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We stand in this unquenchable heat,
Red pepper has entered our eyes.
Covered with this ancestral blood,
Our hands are tied on our heads.
Stretch a hand, fellow in the heat
For our present; an ugly pain created by man
The future is but a shadow of the present
Masterfully packaged as burning hope.

Herein lieth the truth
Behind why the twilight moon
That was born to allay our fears
For the darkness we expect yet dread,
Now snores with no blood running through its veins-

The youthful tears
Which have long lubricated
The sockets of those eyes that give us sight
Flows wastefully into sullen drains
But beyond the burdened today
Is the skeleton of a frowned tomorrow
Sitting under a starless sky, Composed.

We drink much
From our most revered rivers of old
Yet our souls are famished with thirst.
For our hearts have been fed
With the luxury of unpleasant realities
Beaming from our unfulfilled desires for the present.

Importunate boon!
We have tasted a worm-infested bile.
Our comrades flee with us
Into the yawning palm of embellished bleak future.
A future that rotates on cursed fingers
Hopes for days to come are thwarted daily
Under the merciless sole of roaring predicaments.

We ask therefore-
Were we wrong To have escaped hastefully
From the past that nurtured our presents??
Today has failed our future
For that we bemoan the coming of gloomy times
For the off-springs that shall spring
Out of today with ignorance
And complacent indolence.

Blind optimism!
These rays of bloodless hope
Emanating from the dry veins of the moon
To rekindle the dying flames of trust
Perch on the dry leaves of a rootless tree.
Dawn has kissed the woes of night
And the sparkling face of morn
Fades into a dark stream.
And our joyful escape
From the womb of a past so content
Has landed us in a jeopardized present
Driving us hastily into a paralyzed future.


Seth Boss Kay and Owusu Bright

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